<麻油麵線煎 - Sesame Oil Thin Noodle Pancake>


Sesame Oil Thin Noodle Pancake


It's a dish that my partner saw on the Internet one day and I improved it myself. The noodle pancake is fried to golden brown and crispy. With moist omelet every bite of it is full of aroma of egg and sesame oil. Although it take a lot of time
to cook this dish, but it's always worth to see the satisfaction of my partner. (A rare and warm ending)

食材 - What You'll Need

  • 麵線 .................. 1 / 束
  • 花椰菜 .............. 2 / 小朵
  • 絞肉 .................. 100 / 克
  • 大蒜 .................. 2 / 瓣
  • 蛋 ...................... 2 / 顆
  • 麻油 .................. 適量
  • 黑胡椒 .............. 適量

  • 1 serving thin noodles
  • 50 g cauliflower
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced.
  • 100 g pork belly, chop into pork mince.
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 spoon of sesame oil (or more)
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

  • 蛋打勻。
  • 花椰菜燙熟,切碎丁。
  • Poach all cauliflower and mince them.
  • 大蒜先爆香後再倒入絞肉炒熟。
  • Prepare a medium non-sticky pan or a sauce pan over medium heat and put all minced pork and minced garlic in it. Fried all minced pork until they all colored. 
STEP 2  
  • 燒一鍋熱水,將麵線煮熟後撈起跟花椰菜和絞肉一起放入一個大碗公裡,倒入三大匙麻油,灑適量的黑胡椒,拌勻所有材料。
  • Place a colander over a large mixing bowl. Add the thin noodles, pour the boiling water over and let it sit and soften for 10 minutes. Drain, discard water and add the noodles to mixing bowl. Using a pair of kitchen scissors, cut the noodles so they are easier to manage. Add all cauliflower, minced pork, and black pepper to the mixing bowl and properly mix them. (I would suggest to add another spoon of sesame oil into the mixture. That would help you mix all ingredient easily and add more aroma to the pancake.)
  • 起油鍋開始煎麵線囉,倒入的油量會影響到麵線的酥脆程度,將麵線放入平底鍋後開中火慢慢煎,並一邊用鍋鏟將麵線塑為漂亮的圓形,慢慢來不用心急,一面完成再翻面。
  • Toss all of noodles and sesame oil into your heated pan. Using your spatula, flatten and shape the noodles. 
  • 等到兩面均勻上了漂亮的金黃色,便將麵粉煎取起,在鍋子裡再補些麻油將蛋液倒入,半熟的時候將麵粉煎放上去,再微微煎一下就可以起鍋了。(可以搭配醬油膏,會增加一些濕潤感。)
  • Pan-fry noodle pancake until both sides are golden brown and crispy. And take it of and pour all beaten eggs into pan util it's almost done. Place your noodle pancake top of the egg and wait for another 15 secs. Then our sesame oil thin noodle pancake is ready to be served.

  • 麵線已經帶有鹹度,要加鹽巴的話可以自己斟酌。
  • 翻面怕會散掉的話可以用一個大一點的盤子蓋住鍋子,在上下顛倒就可以順利翻面囉!





