<日式親子丼 - Oyakodon>




Oyakodon, literally "parent-and-child donburi", is a traditional popular Japanese cuisine. The main ingredients of this dish are quite simple, including chicken thigh, eggs, and onion. And it takes no more than 15 minutes to finish it. 

食材 - What You'll Need

  • 雞腿肉 .............. 1 / 塊
  • 洋蔥 .................. 0.25 / 顆
  • 蛋 ...................... 2 / 顆
  • 蔥 ...................... 1 / 根
  • 白飯 .................. 1 / 碗
  • 七味粉 .............. 隨意
  • 1 spoon of soy sauce.
  • 1 spoon of Japanese sweet rice vinegar (mirin). 
  • 2 spoon of homemade dashi or water adding some Hondashi.
  • 1/3 onion, slivered.
  • 1 boneless chicken thigh with skin.
  • 1 thinly sliced scallions, divided.
  • 2 large eggs.
  • 1 bowl of cooked white rice.

  • 味霖、醬油、雞高湯以1:1:2的比例調勻預備醬汁。
  • Mix dashi, soy sauce, and Japanese sweet rice vinegar together in a bowl.

STEP 2  
  • 將雞肉皮朝下煎至酥脆(不需放油),不需全熟,之取起切塊狀,約一口一塊的大小備在一旁。
  • Putting chicken thigh to the skillet with the skin side down and bring them over a high heat. And cooked until the chicken skin color and get crunchy. Take the chicken thigh off and slice it diagonally and cut into 1.5" (4 cm) pieces. (There's no need to add any oil. Chicken skin would release lots of animal oil which is natural.)

  • 洋蔥順紋切條狀,保留剛剛的雞油,將洋蔥丟入鍋中以小火炒至微微透明,之後便倒入剛剛調配好的醬汁,再將雞肉雞皮朝上一同放入鍋裏,開大火收開始收醬汁。
  • Adding the slivered onion to skillet with those remaining chicken oil and fry them until the onion turn translucent about 5 minutes. Tossing the chicken back to the skillet and pulling the mixed sauce together. Adjust heat to maintain a strong simmer until the chicken is fully cooked through.

  • 約四至五分後(醬汁收到邊緣看不到),將火轉小倒入二分之一蛋液,等蛋液熟透後關火,再加入剩下二分之一蛋液,將鍋蓋蓋上,悶的時間取決於每個人想吃蛋的熟度,最後鋪上白飯便大功告成啦!(喜歡辣就再灑點七味粉)
  • Beat the eggs lightly with chopsticks or a fork in a bowl and salt it. Reduce the heat to a bare simmer. Pouring the eggs into pot in a thin, steady stream, holding your chopsticks over edge of bowl to help distribute eggs evenly. And add the sliced scallions on the top of it. Once the covered eggs reach to your desired doneness, topping them with the mixture of eggs and chicken on a bowl of white rice. Pouring the any broth left in the skillet over rice. (Add some Togarashi, if desired.)

  • 蛋不需要打太散(懶人料理不要花太多力氣),顏色會比較有黃有白。 
  • 若沒有高湯或懶得用,清水加鰹魚粉也是不錯的。





