<手工蛋餃 - Homemade Egg Dumpling>


Homemade Egg Dumpling


This is a second bomb of hot pot series. Egg dumpling is my favorite. Every bite of it would full of pork broth and the fragrance of egg and ginger. Moreover, It can be made ahead and frozen. Although it may need some time to practice making a good looking shape, the whole process still have a lot of fun.

食材 - What You'll Need

  • 絞肉 .................. 100 / 克
  • 薑末 .................. 適量
  • 洋蔥 .................. 0.5 / 顆
  • 醬油 .................. 1 / 湯匙
  • 鰹魚粉 .............. 1 / 小匙
  • 鹽 ...................... 1 / 小匙
  • 蔥 ...................... 2 / 根
  • 蛋 ...................... 2.5 / 顆

  • 100 g minced pork,
  • 1 teaspoon of minced ginger.
  • 1/2 onion, diced.
  • 2 teaspoons of soy sauce.
  • 1 teaspoon of  Hondashi.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • 2 thinly sliced scallions, divided.
  • 2.5 eggs

  • 蛋液先加入適量的鹽和鰹魚粉並均勻攪拌。
  • Break 2 eggs in a bowl and mix in the Hondashi, one teaspoon of water, and a pinch of salt.
  • 薑磨末、蔥切蔥花、洋蔥切丁。
  • Minced ginger, diced onion, and divided thinly slice scallions.
STEP 2  
  • 將買回來的絞肉剁更碎(或是請肉攤老闆絞兩次),再將絞肉放入一大碗中,加入一匙高湯(或加入鰹魚粉或鹽巴)、蛋 (0.5顆)、醬油、薑末、洋蔥丁和蔥花,攪拌均勻打出肉的筋性。
  • Mix properly minced pork, 0.5 eggs, soy sauce, ginger, onion,  scallion, and a spoon of water cooked cabbage leaves to make a perfect stuffing.
  • 準備一個平底鍋,倒入少許油後用廚房紙巾將油均勻抹開,開小火熱鍋。
  • Prepare a non-stick skillet with some oil (rub the oil averagely with a clean paper napkin) over low heat.
  • 平底鍋小火煎,蛋液下去成類圓形的形狀後把內餡放上(不要放正中間),待蛋皮底面熟了,把一半蛋皮翻過去,兩面原先在上層還沒全熟的蛋皮就會黏在一起了,接著用湯匙輕輕壓一下周圍,這樣就可以把蛋餃鏟起來備著,等到要吃的時候再煮熟就大功告成啦。
  • Spoon about one teaspoon of the egg mixture and spread it on the skillet with a spoon to form about 3-inch circle (it's okay if it's not a perfect circle), the egg mixture should be "thick" enough for you to do this. When the bottom is cooked but the top is still wet, spoon about 1 teaspoon of the filling in the middle of the egg and then fold the egg over and gently press the edges so it seals, and you have a half circle. The filling is uncooked at this point. Repeat this until you are done with the eggs and filling

  • 切記用小火。
  • 蛋液顏色想要漂亮一點,可以先過篩去除蛋內的雜質。
  • 第一次包可能還不大會掌握,可以先不要放太多內餡會包得比較漂亮。
  • Practice make perfect!





